Top 8 Things To Look For When Shopping For Personal Or Business Insurance

California personal and California business insurance policies have a lot of the ins and outs that can be a bit intimidating if you aren’t well versed in the industry, so shopping for your needs, as well as for your budget, can be difficult. Working with a trusted carrier that will help you know the details and pricing options can take away your feelings of confusion and educate you about the best insurance choices for you.


What Do I Need To Know About My Business Insurance Needs?

If you are a business owner, you must have your company’s assets and be safe from liabilities and damage. A business is your and your family’s livelihood, and losing your company due to accidental damage or lawsuits is an avoidable scenario. However, not all businesses require the same coverage, which is why shopping around for your personalized needs is essential.


1. Understanding Business’ Legal Obligations

Buying business insurance policies is not always a requirement, but a strong suggestion, for many small company owners. Other industries require businesses in that field to hold insurance policies by law. Depending on the state that you reside in, you may be legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for all employees that work for you. This would pay out if someone that your employee is hurt while on the job. If your company’s storefront is rented out from a commercial building owner, it is more than likely that the landlord of the building would require your business to hold a general liability insurance policy. By doing so, you would be protecting yourself from costs that could come from third-person property damage or possible injuries. 


2. Being Aware Of Your Industry’s Risks

Depending on the industry that your business resides in, the risks involved can vary in range and differ from other business owners in separate fields. For instance, a restaurant owner may need product liability insurance to help protect them in the hypothetical case of a customer becoming ill after eating at their establishment. Professional liability insurance may come in handy for an accountant makes a mistake on a client’s loan or taxes. Evaluating risks for your profession can help you in deciding the amount of coverage you’ll need from your insurance policy.


3. What Are My Personal Insurance Policy Options?

Personal insurance policies can be anything from auto or homeowner’s insurance to umbrella insurance, and many things in between. When purchasing a home, a car, a motorcycle, a boat, or a motor home, you now have an investment with a high price tag attached to it. Maintaining the quality and care of these things is not the only way of protecting your purchase. Insurance policies can ensure that your assets are protected from theft or damages that are outside of your control. 

If you are the landlord of a set of condos, or a row of townhouses, that has occupants residing within them, a personal insurance policy will help you protect your building from damages that may be at the fault of the renting resident. On the other hand, if you are a renter that lives within a landlord’s building, you may benefit significantly from the purchase of a renter’s insurance policy. This policy would protect your possessions from damages that can occur due to no fault of your own, such as water damages due to the building’s plumbing or fire from a wiring error.

Umbrella insurance may also best fit your personal needs, especially when considering that this type of policy can handle claims and costs when all your other insurance options have been completed, but you still have gaps that need protection. 



4. How Do I Choose The Policy That Best Serves My Needs?

Whether your insurance policy requirements revolve around your business or your personal property, researching your needs, and considering your options have many overlapping areas. 


5. Prioritizing Your Coverage While Considering The Policy Costs 

No matter the size of your business, or the size of your household, budget is always a top priority. While your costs are still at the front of your mind, and insurance is usually an additional, optional expense, it can play a massive role in protecting your business, your property, and your financial future. 

Cheaper, more cost-efficient policies can be tempting to anyone on a tight budget. Still, you will surely be sacrificing quite a substantial amount of protection along with your inexpensive purchase. Limited coverage and abundant affordability walk hand in hand, making your consideration of price all the more critical. 

While shopping around, also take the time to consider the reputation of the insurance provider that you are considering. Customer reviews are helpful in this way. If a company seems too good to be true, it’s possible that they have overly long processing time for insurance claims, or have a history of spiking monthly insurance costs once you have purchased your policy.


6. Reading Your Policy

Every carrier’s policy fine print is different, and you must read your policy agreement thoroughly from start to finish. Each contract has its premiums, deductibles, limits, and exclusions. Keeping track of what coverage is excluded is just as important as reading what is included. Taking the time to read the details of your policy will protect you from any surprises when you need to file a claim. 



7. Being Knowledgeable With Your Deductible 

Choosing the rate of your deductible can be a daunting task, considering that if you were to pick a policy with a higher deductible, then your monthly premium costs would be more affordable. The downside to a lower premium, of course, would be that in the case of an insurance claim being filed, the cost you would need to pay, as the deductible would be much higher. So high that you run the risk of your business not being able to afford the deductible in order to have the insurance policy kick in for the remainder of the damages.


8. Should I Choose A Top-Rated Insurance Provider?

The best way to ensure that you’re having your insurance needs met is by working with a highly rated, independent insurance agency, such as American Tri-Star Insurance. An “A-Rated” insurance company can be trusted to work with you in choosing the coverage you need, with a price tag that you can afford. By working with American Tri-Star Insurance, you’re sure to find a trusted professional that can help you navigate through any questions you may have while educating you on your policy choices.


How Do I Learn More?

To learn more about what to look for when shopping for California personal or California business insurance, contact the experts at American Tri-Star Insurance, at (619)-363-0250. Our licensed professionals will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

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