Top 5 Reasons to Purchase Workers Comp Insurance for Your Employees

Neglecting to have workers’ compensation coverage in California is a criminal offense.  A few businesses might skirt their workers comp payments to cut business costs.  Here are some reasons to rethink this choice.


5 Reasons Why you should get Workers Comp Insurance:

1. You could lose employees

Some employees may decide not to work for you knowing that you are not providing California workers compensation insurance.

2. Claims and Lawsuits

If an employee gets hurt and you don’t have coverage, you could face claims and lawsuits. Additionally, you may be required to cover the cost of the injury and legal fees.

3. Not a good idea for your image

If you’re a local business and don’t offer workers compensation, you may incur disgruntled employees and possibly not have support from the local community.

4. Your business could be closed

California law requires all businesses to have workers comp insurance. If you don’t comply, you could have your operations shut down.

5. Fines are very costly

The California Labor Code imposes fines against organizations that don’t provide workers comp insurance, and these can be over the top expensive.


Get help from an Independent Insurance Company

Do you need workers comp insurance?  Stop by and visit American Tri-Star insurance today.  We have offices in San Diego, Chula Vista, National City, and Vista to better serve our clients.

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