Vacant Home Insurance: Coverage Options for a Unattended Home

While it is not a particularly popular form of California home insurance, vacant home insurance may be quite useful to those that specifically need it.  If you leave your home unattended for weeks at a time, your homeowners policy possibly won’t provide coverage in the event of a claim during the time it is vacant or unoccupied. As a result, any losses or damages that manifest would have to be paid out of pocket. For these times, unoccupied and vacant home insurance products offer coverage for claims that would in any other case go unpaid by your home insurance company.


Should I get Vacant Home Insurance?

A home can become unoccupied for a variety of reasons, whether it be a vacation home, foreclosure, you’re traveling out of California for weeks at a time, or perhaps the home is being rented and you are in between tenants. Regardless of the reason for the vacancy, the fact remains that any property in this situation runs the risk of damage from a variety of sources.


Unlike other policies, vacant home insurance tends to be more expensive since there is a larger threat attached to the property.  Despite this increased cost though it’s still recommended that property owners invest as much as possible into their policy.  If price is an issue, then a home security system might be a valuable investment.


Get help from an Independent Insurance Agency

Before you leave your home vacant find out your options!  Give American Tri-Star insurance a call at 619-474-3900 or stop by one of our locations in Vista, National City, Chula Vista, and San Diego.

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